I have a sore Achilles: will a biomechanical assessment help?

What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is a white fibrous cord that connects the calf muscles, gastrocnemius and soleus, to the heel bone (calcaneus). It is the strongest tendon in the human body, located at the back of the ankle and is essential for walking, running, and jumping (LINK 1). The Achilles tendon […]

Foot Pain

Foot Pain Foot pain can simply ruin your life. Foot pain may start from the moment you get out of bed or develop through the day. Which ever way the foot pain develops it can make day to day activities difficult or impossible.  Foot pain often develops slowly over months and eventually reaches the stage […]

The College Of Podiatry International Conference – Bournemouth 2018

Preventing foot pain The College of Podiatry Conference in Bournemouth 2018 Jonathan Kirk, Sheila Mills (both renowned podiatrists), and our esteemed administrator, Carolyn Calow, from Waverley Foot Clinic in Farnham, had the privilege to attend The College of Podiatry Conference in Bournemouth. This prestigious international gathering, touted as Europe’s largest, offered three days of exceptional […]